Invisible Internet Project
I2P is a peer-to-peer Anonymous Network that uses garlic routing Garlic routing sends multiple encrypted messages (called "garlic cloves") together in one packet. This makes it harder to trace, as multiple messages are combined, and the network cannot easily distinguish which message belongs to which user. (not to be confused with onion routing) to anonymize its users.
i2p uses cryptography to provide various features for the tunnels it creates and the communications it carries. It uses two transport protocols, NTCP2 and SSU2, to obscure the traffic passing through its tunnels. Connections are encrypted both between routers and between clients (end-to-end). All connections also ensure forward secrecy. Since i2p uses cryptographic addressing, the network addresses are self-authenticating, and only the user who created them has ownership.
The i2p network consists of peers (referred to as "routers") and unidirectional virtual tunnels for both inbound and outbound traffic. Routers communicate using protocols based on common transport mechanisms like TCP and UDP to exchange messages. Client applications are assigned a unique cryptographic identifier called a "Destination," which allows them to send and receive messages. These clients can connect to any router, requesting temporary tunnel "leases" for message transmission. i2p also has an internal database, based on a modified Kademlia DHT, to securely distribute routing and contact information.
I2p is a fascinating network with a lot of cool blogs that you can explore. This section will cover how you can access it.
First you're going to need to create a i2p router using i2pd
Install apt-transport-https package
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
Automatically add repository
wget -q -O - | sudo bash -s -
After that you can install i2pd as any other software package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i2pd
Once i2pd is installed you will need to configure "/etc/i2pd/i2pd.conf"
You can view my "patch" of i2pd here also view the documentation.Next you're going to want to setup your webrowser to connect to you're i2pd router. I recomend using librewolf due to it's security fetures but any browser will suffice.
you're going to want to proxy you're connection through the i2p router it will look something like this.
After that you're all set!!
here are some websites that will help you get started on you're i2p journey